Elisha's Mantle
A prayer for in utero wounding...
Lord Jesus, we ask You to identify with ________ as a little one being formed.
Speak to her spirit and communicate to that little one that You
knew about her and all the circumstances she entered into.
You planned for her, Lord, and You delighted in her birth. Let _______ know she is not a mistake, a burden or an accident, but a gift and a joy.
Lord, we ask for Your empowering to be able to forgive. By ourselves we cannot forgive. (Pray to forgive parents, to confess angers, to ask forgiveness for judgments, and to give. assurance of forgiveness.)
(From this point on, pray only about those specific things the Holy Spirit has revealed)
Lord, we ask You to remove the shame of illegitimacy. You know what that feels like— they said You were illegitimate.
Remove the shame of being the “wrong sex." Lift out the guilt of being formed and born at a bad time, of causing the mother health problems, of creating a financial burden. Lift it out, Lord, and minister to the hurt and anger of feeling unwelcome, the fear that there will not be enough time, money or nurture.
Bring to death the death wish, accident proneness and performance orientation that grew out of a need to earn acceptance.
Bring to death any confusion of gender — the secrecy, deception and isolation it causes. Lord, minister to the rejection of adoption, the betrayal of parental trust, the wound of having been lied to and stolen from.
Lord, wash __________‘s heart clean of unconscious or hidden resentment. Set her free.
Restore a sense of worth and purpose.
Give __________ the gift of knowing You have given her a special place in Your family. Jesus, absorb any sense of futility.
to _______ s spirit Your pride in her. Restore/draw forth her femininity.,
Cause____________to know that You delight in her as a female. Apart from that sexuality, she cannot express the
truth of who You created her to be.
Grant a boldness of being so there is no fear in being seen. Lord, you create no mistakes! Write that deeply into her spirit.
Pour Your healing into the wounds from teasing or criticism as a result of masculine behaviors.
Minister to the wounds of having been lied to and stolen from.
Restore the birthright and inheritance You planned from the beginning.
Lift out the lies _________ has believed about who she is and build in the truth of her identity in You.

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IMPORTANT:These sample prayers are not formulas; rather, they offer ideas and direction. Be led by the Holy Spirit, and use the substance of this prayer as a guide. Also, please acknowledge these prayers as sample narratives, in which gender-exclusive references are used as they would be used in a real situation. For this reason, some prayers are for a female and others for a male. All are interchangeable.
Site Last Updated: October 27,2023