Elisha's Mantle
A prayer to heal victims...
Lord Jesus, _____________ has been sinned against. I ask You to communicate to her heart that it was NOT HER FAULT.
A bad thing has
happened, but she is not a bad person. She did not “make” the abuser hurt her. He did that all on his own.
Jesus, speak the truth to her heart; help her know that You really do love her with a clean, non-abusive Love.
You have not rejected or abandoned her. Cause the pure living water of Your presence to flow over her at a pace that is respectful of her.
And Jesus, I thank You that You know just how close You can come to _____________ without frightening her.
I thank You that You do not violate her boundaries. Wash her clean inside and out. Wash away the defilement with wave after wave of Your love. Wash away the smells, the sounds, and the touch sensations. Clothe her in Your truth and righteousness. Cause her conscience to be clear.
Separate her spirit, Lord, from the one who abused.
Father, this has so shattered her trust it is difficult to trust or believe anyone. Together we ask You to begin the process of rebuilding that broken trust.
The practiced ways that do not lead to life, Lord, we bring to You. (List then, and pray through the bitter root judgments.)
These ways have been hurtful to her and others, so we ask You to deal with them, Lord. Minister to the fear, loneliness, weariness, the confusion and anger.
Lift it all out, Jesus, and replace it with Your comfort that goes deep into the bones.
We give You the anger at ________ for not protecting (for not believing, etc.). Replace it with Your peace and the truth of who she really is in Your eyes. May she come to know her identity as Your cherished child. Cause the eyes of her spirit to see You, to see the pride in Your eyes that she has come to You, to see Your delight in her presence.
Show her those people in her life who are worthy of trust. Bring comfort to the bruised and broken places.
Bring healing to her relationship with You and with (Mom, or ...) Wrap her up in Your glory as a protection. Hide her from the powers of darkness. Together we forgive her for having responded physically, and forgive her for ways she has judged, condemned, or looked down on her body.
Lord, You made us to respond. Help her spirit to know You do not condemn her. It is not her body’s fault—it was made that way. It was a natural response. Her “NO” was not listened to; her person and her boundaries were not respected. Lift off the guilt.
May ‘Your glory continue to heal her; may it hide her and be a protection for her. Thank You, Jesus that You do care.

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IMPORTANT:These sample prayers are not formulas; rather, they offer ideas and direction. Be led by the Holy Spirit, and use the substance of this prayer as a guide. Also, please acknowledge these prayers as sample narratives, in which gender-exclusive references are used as they would be used in a real situation. For this reason, some prayers are for a female and others for a male. All are interchangeable.
Site Last Updated: October 27,2023