The constant tendency of the born-again believer is to
fall back into striving by human effort. Our minds and
spirits know the free gift of salvation, but our hearts
retain their habit to earn love by performing. We live
unaware that motives other than God's love have begun to
corrupt our sewing through striving, tension and fear.
Performance orientation is a term, which refers neither
to the work we do nor the things we accomplish, but to
the false motives which impel us. After we bring
performance orientation to death, we may do exactly the
same work in much the same way, but from an entirely
different intent in the heart. In this lesson we will
explore the roots of this problem, and identify the
symptoms and the damage it causes.
We can help those who have been wounded in this manner by
offering them the example of Christ's unconditional love
and acceptance.
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your
very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified
I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you
receive the Spirit by observing the law, or by believing
what you heard? Are you foolish? After beginning with the
Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human
effort? Galatians 3:1-3
What is performance orientation?
It is an attitude not a set of behaviors. It is an
acceptance of lies about us, built into our nature from
o "Ill do wrong, I will not be loved."
o "If I do not live up to family standards, I will
not belong"
o "If I am wrong it means that I am bad."
o A striving to win acceptance, which in some cases has
already been given.
o Doing the right things for the wrong reasons. Teaching
Sunday school, counseling, and helping friends and
neighbors, to earn God's love.
does performance orientation come from?
o Prenatal and birth trauma can cause this situation. If
a child feels unwanted, and tries to earn his/her place
in life.
o Lack of affection, laughter in the home
o Conditional love during "potty" training (and
other training) "You did good mommy loves you."
"Uch! Why didn't you tell mommy you had to do potty?
If I do good I am loved if I do bad I'm not!
o Unwise discipline which sends wrong messages.
"Where did my nice boy/girl go? This can't me my
little boy/girl. "Go to your room until you can act
like yourself; then you can join the rest of the
o Family values "There is a right way of doing
things, and if a thing is worth doing it is worth doing
right." "Our family does it this way."
"Everything you do reflects on this family.
o Position in the family-first, middle, baby- competition
and comparison. "Why can't you be more like your
brother /sister?" "Why aren't you as talented
as your brother/sister?"
the "fruits" of performance orientation
The performance-oriented person may develop a "loser
attitude." The child works so hard to be what is
expected of him/her that he/she lose them self he/she
feels like he/she is fooling people, and selling them
self for love. He/she is angry that he/she must always
perform to earn everybody's (including God's) love,
affection, appreciation, admiration and acceptance. They
know that they will never be good enough, smart enough,
attractive, worthy, deserving, or lovable enough to earn
The person's anger is often suppressed and he/she may
start to rebel; by sabotaging successes in order to fail.
This would be a test to see if he/she will be loved even
if he/she is a loser.
have a need to "succeed." This person fears
success as much as failure. He/she is a
workaholic. He or she strives for:
o Compliments
o Yet cannot accept compliments
o Cannot receive criticism
o Is compulsively defensive
o Takes responsibility for everything
o Is overwhelmed, or over busy
o Tends to blame others
o Is tired
o Is angry (although sometimes hidden)
o Ministers but cannot be ministered to
o Cannot receive gifts without reciprocating
o Tries to control people and situations
o Is unable to be truly intimate
o Is lonely
general results of performance-orientation are
o Fear
o Striving
o Insecurity
There is a compulsive need for approval, and the center
of every decision is based on what others think.
The extreme results of P0 are:
o Depression (see the depression cycle on the enrichment
o Abusiveness (suppression/expression)
Healing for performance-orientation
The healing for P. Q. will not come from a persons
efforts, nor by finding new and better ways to perform.
The individual must invite God to slay him/her, and allow
others to minister to he/she.
How to minister healing
Love the client unconditionally, as the Lord Jesus loved.
Convey this example of unconditional love to the client.
Help the client to see that he/she have been doing all
the right things for all the wrong reasons. Let he/she
know that they may be doing the same things, but his/her
reasons for doing those things will change. They will be
doing good because he/she loves the Lord, instead of
because they want the Lord to love him/her. They will not
need the approval from people, because they are no longer
doing these things for people's approval. He/she will be
doing the good as unto the Lord.
Lead the person through confession, repentance, and
forgiveness. Track the fruit to the root causes of the
P.O. and lead the person into inner healing. Make sure
he/she forgives those primary people who failed to give

Help the client to hate
the structures that were built into him/her. P.O.
contains a reward system and therefore is difficult to
give up. "If I do real good everyone will like
me." Pride can keep us from hating P.O. Remind the
client that P.O. cantles with it the baggage of "No
matter how hard I work it will never be good
Let the person know that he/she cannot fail as long as
he/she does not quit. Let him/her know that it" OK
to be wrong. It doesn't mean that he/she is bad, it
simply means that he/she will have an opportunity
to be right next time.
When P.O. is strong a "Restriction" has formed
around the client's mind, spirit, and soul that hinders
he/she from walking into the fullness of God's love.
Within every "Restriction" is a "Signaling
Device" which sends out a signal 24 hours a day 7
days a week. The signal that is being sent out to
everyone is (let the Holy Spirit lead you in this area)
he/she may have shared with you that everyone picks on
him/her; nothing ever works out for him/her; he/she
always gets the dirty end of the stick; every time he/she
reaches out to help somebody, or lend someone money
he/she gets cheated or turned against. You will be able,
by the Spirit to see the general patterns that flow
through this individuals life There is an
"antenna" that is listening and focusing on the
first sign of the offense, so that the client can
say" See! I told you that it never works out! I told
you that I always get rejected, or turned against! All I
ever do is try to help people, and all that I ever get
for my love,
compassion and effort is dumped on.
I ask the following questions when I hear the client
speaking in this manner. What is your reason for doing
all of these wonderful things? Are you doing them as unto
the Lord, or to get people to pat you on the back? Most
of the time he/she will respond by telling you it is for
the Lord. If that is so,(I ask) then why do you get so
upset when the people you reach out to. turn against you?
If you did it as unto the Lord, then you should feel good
about yourself, because of your obedience, and the
peoples response should not have affected you. However,
if you did it to be seen, or acknowledged by them, then I
can understand why you would be upset. This then would be
you performing knowing that no matter how hard you try it
will never work out.
This will get them to see that he/she truly has a P.O.
structure. Sharon and I have them say "I pick up the
Word of God like a sledge hammer and shatter the
structure of performance-orientation. I pick up the
pieces and put them to death on the cross. I want to
finally be able to rest in the blessed assurance that
Your love for me Lord is truly unconditional, and that I
can finally rest in the fact that You love me
because You can't help Yourself
You love me, because you called me by my first name
before the foundation of the world You chose me, planned
me, and called me according to Your purpose and glory.
Not because of who I am, but because of Whose I am. I am
yours Lord and You are mine
This is an example of how we pray. God will lead you to
pray in the way that best suits your personality and
style. We just wanted you to get a feel for how we do it.
Remember that all habits, patterns and structures must be
put to death on the cross. Flesh must die on the cross.
Sins are washed away by the Blood of Jesus.
After the client has forgiven everyone, we ask the Lord
to sever the restriction that has hindered his/her walk
of freedom, crush the signaling device, and break the
antenna that has been focusing on the bitter root
expectations. We asked the Lord to sever, crush, and
break restrictions, signaling devices, and antennas from
birth to this age. Proclaim his/her freedom in Jesus'
Holy name
Recommended reading for this lesson "Transformation
of the Inner Man" Chapter 3
Psalm 58:3-Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the
womb they are wayward and speak lies.
Matthew 11:28-29 - "Come to me, all you who are
weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my
yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and
humble in heart and you will find rest for your
I Corinthians 4:15 - Even though you have ten thousand
guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in
Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.
Galatians 1:6 - I am astonished that you are so quickly
deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ
and are turning to a different gospel.
Galatians 1:10 - Am I now trying to win the approval of
men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were
still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of
Galatians 3:1-3 - You foolish Galatians! Who has
bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was
clearly portrayed as crucified. I would like to learn
just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by
observing the law, or by believing what you heard? Are
you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you
now trying to attain your goal by human effort?
Galatians 3:7,11 - Clearly no one is justified before God
by the law, because, 'The righteous will live y
Galatians 4:9 - But now that you know God-or rather am
known by God how is it that you are turning back to those
weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved
by them all over again?
Galatians 5:13 - You, my brothers, were called to be
free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful
nature; rather, serve one another in love.
Galatians 6:l-2-Brothers if someone is caught in a sin,
you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But
watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Carry each
others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law
of Christ.
Ephesians 2:4-10 - But because of his great love for us,
God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even
when we were dead in transgres-sions-it is by grace you
have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and
seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ
Jesus, in order tat in the coming ages he might show the
incom-parable riches of his grace, expressed in his
kind-ness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you
have been saved, through faith-and this not from
your-selves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so tat
no one can boast. For we are Gods workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in
advance for us to do.
Hebrews 4:9-10 - There remains therefore a Sab-bath rest
for the people of God. For the one who has entered His
rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did
from His.
Orientation/Depression Cycle
cycle: is a common dynamic in people dealing with
performance orientation. As these individuals come to
believe the lie that they must earn the right to be
loved, they work harder and harder to perform. This
performance is rewarded in countless ways: the job
promotion, the higher pay, the status, the compliments,
the sense of well being that comes with approval and
acceptance.It all seems so perfect! -
But something begins to happen. The more
performance-oriented people strive, the less reward there
seems to be. They have passed the top of the cycle; doing
more and more and receiving less and less reward. At some
point, their spirits realize that their efforts are not
getting the desired results. Everything they do to please
others and to be accepted is not bringing peace. In its
place have come anxiety, tension and
an increasing sense of futility~
At this point, a mild depression may set in. It is not
always noticed right away and usually is not tended to.
Work is no longer rewarding; hence there is decreased
performance and thus less affirmation. The depression
deepens, spiraling quickly. Less reward, more depression,
less ability to perform, less reward, deeper depression
until the debilitating spiral empties into a "black
The depressed performers may live in that hole for some
time, in the company of stored angers, hates,
disappointments, and a sense of numbness. There are no
vivid colors or sweet sounds. The spirit may shut down
and can no longer support vitality in the body or soul.
This is the bottom of, the cycle.
At some point, these people may realize they are not
getting the needed love and acceptance, and begin working
to 'get themselves back on track.' Out of nowhere they
seem to be able to muster just enough strength to
"earn" that all-important pat on the back, that
"fix' of love that sends a surge of life-giving
energy. Every little bit of renewed strength enables them
to perform again. Signs of acceptance and love appear
more frequently and the depression lifts,
Unfortunately, the cycle is only beginning again.
PYTHON: Acts 16:16
The spirit that Paul cast out of the woman. Python does
not bite its victims it squeezes the life spirit out of
them, squeezes the desire to read the word, the desire to
be around other Christians, and squeezes out the desire
and enthusiasm for the things of God.
Take The Sword of the Spirit and impel it into the mouth
and throat of Python, turning and twisting it as it
severs the muscles that are used to squeeze the spiritual
life from its victims, killing it in the name of Jesus
Christ. Loose 10,000 legion of Warrior Angels who fight
on your behalf all the day long. Empower them with the
name of Jesus Christ and with "No weapon formed
against you shall not prosper and every tongue which
rises against you injudgement You shall condemn. For this
is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their
righteousness is from me, Says the Lord "
Isaiah 54:17
LEVIATHAN: Isaiah 27:1
This lying twisting and turning spirit. Taking every word
that you speak and twisting it in the mind of the person
that you are speaking to, in order for them to take
offense, and twisting every word you hear so that you
will take offense. This spirit causes division and
strife, and destroys unity.
Take the severe sword of the Lord and rip the vulnerable
underbelly of Leviathan killing it in Jesus' Holy name.
Loose 10,000 legion of Warrior Angels who will fight in
your behalf all the day long and empower them with the
name of Jesus Christ and with "Greater is He that is
in me than he who is in this world"
I John 4:4
JEZEBEL: I and 2" Kings
this controlling and manipulating spirit fill of
witchcraft and Ahab her husband who allows the control to
go on.
Take the sword Excalibur set aside for royalty and
decapitate Jezebel and Ahab in Jesus' Holy name. Loose
10,000 legion of warrior angels who fight in your behalf
all day long and empower them with the name of
Jesus Christ and with "but my God shall supply all
of your needs according to His riches in Glory by
Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:19
ALACON: From the house of Apollo in Greek mythology a
chameleon that can mimic all of the others. A winged
creature that imbeds its wings into the ground as it
holds the other spirits in place over your back and neck.
Take the flaming sword that was given to the cherubim at
the gates of the Garden of Eden that blocked the re-entry
of Adam and Eve. Cut the mimicking throat of Alacon and
with the sword in hand cutting upward cut the wings off
Alacon and cast these spirits far from the person that
you are praying for. Cast them far from their family,
finances, home, job, and ministry. In Jesus' name. Loose
10,000 legion of warrior angels who fight in your behalf
all the day long. Empower them with the name of Jesus
Christ and with "And now to He who is able to do
exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or think,
according to the power that works in us.
Ephesians 3:20
Vashti- rebellious spirit turning wives against there
husbands A spirit of divorce found in the
book of Ester: chapter1 verse9
About, Swords-
Ezekiel: chapter.25
on the praying couple for prayer to
overcome striving
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Last Updated October 22, 2023